Partnered with the Crick Centre at the University of Sheffield we explored how Art and Politics affect one another, with three different youth groups (60 young people). The artwork produced was displayed at the Montgomery Theatre and then formed part of a larger project through Festival of the Mind. Forty artists exhibited their work alongside the young people’s artwork at Bank Street Arts and over 300 people attended open mic evenings based on themes such as discrimination and a sense of belonging. The final element to the project was a trip to the Houses of Parliament with four of the young people, where we joined a host of academics and creative practitioners and debated and discussed art and politics.
“At first I thought art couldn’t make any difference, I think now it could play a part in a bigger picture”.
“I know about what art I like, and I know about politics that affects our world. I just didn’t make the links between the two. I think I have a lot more to explore”.
AHRC funded