
Working with 18 NEET young people aged 18-24 years (all had been out of work, education or training for at least 12 months) we provided a programme to increase confidence, aspiration and creative skill. Activities ranged from one to one sessions with our artists, volunteering and shadowing opportunities, mentoring with young creative entrepreneurs and the opportunity to run their own workshop or exhibition. One young person went on to get a job, three volunteered for us and 2 volunteered for other local charities. 87% reported they had increased in confidence and 100% reported their communication skills had increased
“Met some interesting people, with different skills and got to access to new information I wouldn’t have normally”
“It helped me gain self esteem and pointed me in the right direction to do things that I want to do”
“Paul has widened his contacts, because of his autism he doesn’t tend to choose to interact with new people, through the growth programme he has been happy to do this. It has boosted his confidence… he has leant new art skills and an understanding of how artists work. This has improved his own artistic skills by working alongside your artists. It has also boosted his wellbeing and holistically Paul is a more confident person.” Mother of Paul (not real name)
Groundwork funded